You might be thinking, “I’m going to start early this year!
That will solve all my problems.”
That was my thought, too, after staying up late – again – wrapping presents on Christmas Eve. So I started shopping early the next year … but alas, I forgot to wrap early. Bummer!
So after that Christmas I laid out calendars of the past several years . . . and I found the secret! I was using Thanksgiving to trigger my holiday shopping so as not to commercialize Christmas and Thanksgiving is a floating holiday. Sometimes it comes 3 1/2 weeks before Christmas and we say, “Christmas came early this year.” Other times it is 4 1/2 weeks before Christmas and we feel like “I got this. I’m ready … sort of.”
Now I have and teach the perfect 8-Week Holiday Planning Calendar, a place to keep all your notes in the Holiday Planning Hub, how to sort decorations, and much more!
Now YOU can have the Holiday relaxed feeling that all the Holiday Class members enjoy because we start and hold each other accountable each week starting on the perfect week to get it all done early!
Do you want “in” on all the Time and Money Saving secrets? Join the Holiday Coaching Class that includes all these secrets – – – >
The “Stress-Free Holiday Season” Class
will jumpstart your planning every Thursday in November and December to get you ready ahead of time.
The weekly Coaching, weekly Action Steps, accountability, and community fun will put you ahead of the game this holiday season. With Marcia’s Live Coaching and community of like-minded women together each week, you’ll be organized and enjoy the holiday season for perhaps the first time ever!
You can be relaxed and enjoy the season every Thursday in November and December following Marcia’s famous blueprint for a smooth, calm, and meaningful season. No stress, just planning, action, and fun together!
What’s Covered in
“The Stress-Free Holiday Season” Class?
Get Started Right with the Holiday Calendar Plan, a Master Gift List, and Gift Wrap Center!
Gift Shopping & Wrapping Strategy and a Speed Cleaning of Your Home to Make it Cozy for the Season
A Meaningful Thanksgiving, Black Friday Shopping, and Keep Just the Decorations You Like
Holiday Cards – Yes or No, Event Planning Made Easy, and How to Make the Most of Your Limited Time and Energy
Mailing and Emailing Cards and Gifts, Baking Goodies, and Year End Donation Decisions
Get Inspired to Celebrate Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s in a NEW and Meaningful Ways
This is your time! Register for The “Stress-Free Holiday Season” Class!
November, December, and a January Followup!

Class Participants Said . . .
“The first thing I’m going to simplify for my holidays is get a calendar and write events AND plan gift gifting.” — Miriam W.
“I learned that the three weeks before Christmas are too busy. Start now!”
—Colleen P.
“The first thing I’m going to simplify for my holidays is keep my budget with less gifts.” — Sammye H.

Holiday Class Members appreciate the Masterclass Teaching and Coaching . . .
“I learned to keep my Christmas cards simple and start early.” — Gail H.
“I appreciated your helpfulness in getting us more organized and simplifying things in order to enjoy the holidays.” — Patricia V.
“The first thing I’m going to simplify for my holidays is to remember to buy one design of a Christmas card each year.” — Berni M.

New Holiday Class Members got focused and said . . .
“The first thing I’m going to simplify for my holidays is culling out decorations and donating them.” — Betsy M.
“I decided to “enjoy” the holidays instead of just surviving.” —Linda S.
“I especially appreciated the idea to combine visits with family and friends with events.” —Pam F.
Wouldn’t you like to have the Most Peaceful,
Stress-free Thanksgiving and Christmas Ever?
You can by joining Class and learning how to do just 3 Key things every week from now until Christmas. I promise!
“Nothing is too hard in itself for the holidays. It’s all the little things that add up to cause us stress.
Follow my Holiday Plan in our Holiday Class to remain calm throughout the season.
Your friends will wonder what you’ve been up to!” – Marcia Ramsland
Holiday Testimonial
“The exciting part of being in the Holiday Class is hearing the difference it makes specifically in each participant’s life, and gleaning ideas from one another how to handle family situations, work life, gift ideas, and ways to get motivated.” — Jackie Chapman
One of the best parts about the holiday class is the great ideas that come from other class members! After Marcia’s inspiring and practical teaching, class members get to share ideas and be coached on their next steps. Class accountability makes sure that everyone gets things done on time.

Hi, I’m Marcia Ramsland, “The Holiday Coach” to guide you through the Holiday season with ease . . .
Since that stressful Christmas Eve years ago…
• I’ve been a Holiday Entertaining Spokesperson for Sam’s Club!
• I’ve coached hundreds of clients and class members successfully with my stress-reducing Holiday Calendar Plans, Master Gift List, and Celebration ideas and much more!
• I wrote Best Selling Books “Simplify Your Holiday Season” and Simply December Devotions.”
I look forward to having you in this year’s Holiday Class!
Marcia Ramsland, Your Holiday Coach