What if you could get caught up
on your paperwork & streamline your desk
to get it all organized & done ?

It’s frustrating to look at a pile of papers knowing you are behind and need to catch up. Feeling behind and disorganized is a sure recipe for stress that you don’t need!

“Speed Clean Your Desk & Papers” workshop will give you the exact recipe for setting up the right systems!

Getting paper organized is the quickest way to get relief and calm control of what might fall through the cracks and cost you money.

You’ll be ready to tackle your paperwork with confidence after this Workshop.You’ll feel happier, calmer, and in control when you learn how to get and stay organized with your paperwork going forward.

The “Speed Clean Your Desk & Papers” workshop is perfect for you if . . .

  • How to focus on paperwork when you feel overwhelmed on where to start.

  • When your desk looks like a sea of papers instead of the way you envisioned.

  • You feel stretched in too many directions and you can’t concentrate.

  • When you avoid facing financial due dates and can’t find return receipts.

  • When you wish you could just get caught up once and for all!

With the “Speed Clean Your Desk & Papers” workshop, you’ll know exactly what to do, when to do it, and how to stay on top of paperwork – EVERYDAY!

logo Papers Workshop

What will I get in the
“Speed Clean Your Desk & Papers” Workshop?

You’ll learn that it is really possible to  . . .

  • Reorganize your desk so it works for you and not against you.

  •  Setup the 5 File Folders to manage your mail efficiently.

  • Kick start your desk time momentum when you don’t feel like it!

  • Develop systems for Filing, Financials, & Taxes.

  • Learn what papers to keep and what to let go.

  • Discover the 5 necessary paper flow steps to stay organized and successful!

National Media

Paper Organizing Participants say …

“I organized my desk. It helps me balance my life! I have a plan for paperwork and I know I will complete it.” 

“Setting up a Personal Organizing Center (POC) in a kitchen cabinet helped get rid of piles of paper, especially “do later”papers.” -Barb

“I now have the habit of clearing my counter of mail and papers my husband complimented me!”

“The best part of this class for me was to find out I was not alone!” -Dorinda

“The best part of this class for me was Marcia’s motivation and having homework.”

“My life changed for the better when I implemented mail and paper handling!”

Paper Workshop

“Speed Clean Your Desk & Papers” Workshop will get you organized in a flash!

Workshop of the Month
“Speed Clean Your Desk & Papers”

This Workshop will give you the fastest steps to catchup on paperwork, organize your desk correctly, and a plan to finish all the lingering “To Do’s.”

Get ready for a Power-Packed Hour Workshop!

You’re only one click away from gaining control of your desk, paperwork, and financials! Register Now!