Have you ever thought of writing a book but wondered how to do it?
Learn the entire process “From First Word to the First Sale!”Taught by the successfully published author of over 100,000 sold copies, Marcia Ramsland, the Organizing Pro. Available online class training right now!
Don’t waste any more time – start right!
Successfully published author of over 100,000 copies sold, Marcia Ramsland, will teach you the same material she has taught in Writing Conferences across the country the step-by-step directions to:
* Choose a Catchy Title and Subtitle
* How to Create a Killer Book Outline and Chapter Titles
* Set Up Your Writing Space so It Inspires You
* Organize Your Computer Writing Files
* Pace Yourself to Write Regularly
* One Sure-Fire Method to Keep Yourself on Track
* The Best Group to Join and Share Your Writing Progress
* How to Market Your Book So It Sells!
Learn the entire process “From First Word to the First Sale!”
BONUS! Includes a 1-to-1 Coaching Session with Marcia Ramsland (45 Minutes).
We suggest you print these to take notes from this class.(4 pages)
Download Handouts for “How to Write Your Book” with Marcia Ramsland
Recommended Articles for Proposal Writing, Getting Your Book Published ‒ Advice, Proposal and Query Letter
These are excellent BONUS articles for you:
1) Advice to First Time Authors By Michael Hyatt
2) Article to Obtain a Literary Agent By Jason Boog
3) How to Write a Great Query Letter-By Noah Lukeman (Free Kindle book)