The 5 Best Ways to Get Organized
& Stay that Way!
A Free Complimentary Webinar
Wednesday January 8, 2020
11:00 pm PT / 1:00 CT / 2:00 ET
You will learn:
*What You Can Do to Find More Personal Time
*What Organizing Habits are Worth Doing … and What to Skip
*What 5 Key Organizing Skills will Actually Make You Happier!
*How to Sequence Your Organizing so You Won’t Quit
*How to Declutter While You Organize
Learn how to sequence your organizing with Professional Organizing Coach Marcia Ramsland!
Marcia Ramsland is well known as The Leading Online Organizing Coach, a Business Productivity Expert, and author of the Simplify Your Life: Get Organized and Stay that Way book series, which has sold over 100,000 copies. Marcia personally coaches individuals and organizations to be highly productive personally and professionally.
Marcia is a nationally recognized media guest appearing in Woman’s Day and Real Simple magazines, Martha Stewart radio, and the Wall Street Journal. Visit www.OrganizingPro.com