Simply December Devotions!
Don’t wait until Christmas Day to celebrate
the real meaning of Christmas.
My STORY “How I Changed the Way I Celebrate Christmas”
Every December I would anticipate getting up early on Christmas Day morning to read the Nativity story in Luke 2 and have a special quiet time thinking about the spiritual meaning of Christmas. But it didn’t happen.
Instead Christmas Day EVERYONE got up early and I was tied up for 2 hours making individual Norwegian “Tynepanakage” (thin pancakes) for each person.
The day continued filled with excitement, stockings, opening presents, and finally I got to bed happy, tired, and feeling like I missed the whole meaning of Christmas! Ugh.
I felt like a failure at honoring the Christ child and the meaning oft Christmas.
Finally after years of this repeated failure I felt led to write a booklet where I would start December 1 with a verse a day following the journey of Mary, Joseph, the shepherds, angels, and wise men leading up to Christmas Day. I included a contemporary thought about our holiday busyness. I got in tune with the Christmas story.
Ah, and by starting each day in December that year my heart was prepared. It worked!
The result? My Booklet…

“Simply December Devotions”Get your heart in the right place for celebrating Christmas with my December 1- 25 devotional.
In Simply December Devotions you’ll take a parallel journey between the first Christmas and your holiday activities to help you stay calm and be ready for Christmas.
This new look at the Christmas story will help you refocus on the importance of the holiday and how it relates to your daily life.

Email Version: You will get the same devotional Thought for the Day via email so you can read it on your phone December 1-25 to reflect on all day. (The charts are not included though.)
We are offering FREE the “Simply December Devotions” December 1-25 as a daily email in December! This inspirational email will give you a new way to focus on the real meaning of Christmas and have your heart ready on Christmas Day no matter how busy that day gets.