Who wants to have enough money to meet all monthly obligations, save for a rainy day, and have plenty left over to give generously and enjoy time with our families? I think that’s all of us. ;)
Sadly, getting to that point seems to be an uphill struggle for most of us. But it’s actually not that difficult, as long as you have a solid plan and the right information.
That’s why I wanted to tell you about a free class called The Financial Freedom Blueprint – A 5 step plan for creating an awesome, worry-free future for you and your family.
You’ll be learning from Lauren Greutman, blogger, Consumer Savings expert, and mother of four. She’ll teach you:
- Capture a clear picture of your financial situation
- Set a motivating goal for your family’s financial future
- Get on the same page with your spouse (ask them to attend with you!)
- Learn about tools to organize your records and track your spending
- Discover why most people fail at budgeting (and how to make it work for you)
- Start planning for and working toward an awesome financial future
Get access to Lauren’s practical tips and experience when you attend this FREE class on March 25th or March 26th.
Just pick your time and register for the free webinar here
Monday & Tuesday
March 25 & 26REGISTER HERE
See you there!