Paper Organizing Made Easy Banner

This practical Online course will show you how to get organized and stay that way with inspiring teaching, “Before and After” pictures, and systems to simplify your workspace and paperwork.

You will move to the next level or organizing by doing the following:

1) Mark the dates on your calendar. 

2) JOIN our PRIVATE CLASS FACEBOOK HERE Post 4- 6 photos each week of “Before & After” of the topic of the week the day before class.

3) “Like” Marcia’s Facebook Fan Page so you can get all the daily updates and live videos “Marcia Ramsland – Your Organizing Pro” 

EACH WEEK We Will Meet on Marcia’s Private Zoom Meeting Link:
   ID: 771-505-1652

Call in if you are away from your computer or can’t hear the class: (646) 558-8656

Watch: “How to Join Zoom” (1 Minute video clip)

I’ve found that people are significantly happier and more productive when they get their papers, desk, and office organized at home and work. I should know. I’m The Leading Online Organizing Coach and have been organizing offices across the country for years. No paperwork is impossible to organize!

Did You Know . . . ?

* Workers say they’d like their job better if there wasn’t so much paperwork?
* You could be losing money without turning in travel expenses or finding receipts to return items.
* 1 in 4 Americans now have a Home Office?
* You’re losing money if your financial papers aren’t in order and returns done promptly?

No more! We can change all that in this course!

Paper Organizing Made Easy Banner

What’s the Solution?

Get organized with Expert Coaching and set up lasting systems to stay that way! A total Office Cleanup will keep you on top of paperwork, email, To Do’s and Projects.

In this Coaching Course, you will…

* Reorganize your desk so it works for you and not against you
* Get ALL your papers organized
* Receive personal Coaching on the best layout of your office & workspace setup
* Learn tips to manage all your email more efficiently
* Discover how to better put time and tasks into your planning systems

You will streamline your setup, clear your desk and office of excess clutter, and exclaim “I’m so happy. Why didn’t I do this sooner?!”

In “The Total Office Cleanup” you will . . .

* Learn the “Right” Way to Setup Your Desk and Save Yourself Time
* The How To’s of Organizing Paperwork

* The One Secret that Cuts Your Time in Half with Every Paper Pile
* How to Tackle a Daunting Backlog of File Drawers, Boxes, and Email Successfully!

Organize Your Paperwork

Class 1 ‒ Get Started Right!

Read and follow the directions in Chapter 4 in Simplify Your Space!

• Why Organize Paperwork? Finding Your Motivation
• The How To’s of Organizing Paperwork
• Finding the Right Time & Desk Setup
• Your 1st Project ‒ Organize Your Desk, Supplies, & Countertops

To be coached on your particular situation, you need to post your 4-6 photos in our private Facebook group with your comments by dinnertime the day before each class. We’re here to help you get everything in order!

Week #2 “Dive into Piles, File Drawers , & Boxes”

1) WATCH Video #2 right now. 

2) Post Your FACEBOOK “BEFORE & AFTER”: The day before we meet post your “Before & After” photos of what you organized this past week. Put them in 1 post to see the improvements. I will fine tune them and answer any questions. 

Progress, not perfection is always the goal. 

Week #3 “Organize Magazines, Binders, & Books”

1) WATCH Video #3 right now.

2) Post Your FACEBOOK “BEFORE & AFTER:” The day before we meet post your “Before & After” photos of what you organized this past week. Put them in 1 post to see the improvements. I will fine tune them and answer any questions. 

FACEBOOK for Coaching: Also post separately what paperwork you’d like Coaching on this week with your comments:  week:

 Keep up the good work to finish. You are on the Home Stretch! 

Organize Your Paper & Projects

Week #4 “Finish Strong & Your New Paperwork Time”

1) Finish WATCHING Videos #1-3.

2) Post Your FACEBOOK “BEFORE & AFTER:” The day before we meet post your “Before & After” photos of what you organized this past week. Put them in 1 post to see the improvements. I will fine tune them and answer any questions. 

FACEBOOK for Coaching: Also post separately what paperwork you’d like Coaching on this week with your comments:  week:

3) Write down what times you will daily do your mail and paper related projects. Usually morning is best, though Saturday morning works if you are working.


Be sure you have scheduled your 1-1 Call. We will talk about your next steps! 

Which of the four Workspaces below do you most identify with? 

A Paper Cleanup Can Make Your Life Easier!

Here are 4 Case Studies of what we will cover in Coaching your through Organizing your papers and workspace.”

Case Study #1 – Personal Workspaces

    This radio participant was inspired by my on air Coaching and went home to get a handle on the dumping ground for all daily paperwork and scheduling. Voila! The change was dramatic with my 5 Folder system and simplifying all her many attempts at colored post-its, folder, planner, laptop, important papers on top, and even papers on her chair. Solution? New ideas simplify old, cumbersome systems. Now it’s systematized and stays that way.

Paper Organizing

Case Study #2 – Home Offices

This desk in a bedroom kept the room far from being restful! It was hard to even dive in to take care of it . . . until Gwen joined us in organizing her desk assignment as part of our course. With step by step directions, determination, and accountability, she did it! And that was with a full working schedule to boot.
Now everyone is sleeping better and the space is done and ready for action going forward. Yours could be, too! P.S. She even hung pictures on the wall.

Case Study #3 – Home Office

Roxanne was sure her problem was that she needed a new chair. Uh, no. I said she could get a new chair … AFTER she went through every paper in her Home Office. It took persistence and following my Action Steps for her setup, but she got through it with the goal of the new chair in mind. Not only did she get a lovely new chair, she treated herself to a new rug. Now it’s her favorite place in her home. Once you do the hard work, paperwork becomes even enjoyable.

Case Study #4 – Business Office at Home

Fox 5 called me to meet them at a Home Office sight unseen to spend one hour organizing a home office while the cameras were rolling. I met them there and worked got to work with their client of choice. One hour isn’t long, but look at the difference we made! That’s what my Coaching can do . . . make a big change in a short amount of time. As the client said, “Now I can run my four businesses better!” Wow, four definitely were going to run more efficiently. Yours can, too!

Coaching Testimonials

“This course has helped spark and encourage me to take that one last step to be neat and orderly stay on top of things.  Finding a space to set up a Personal Organizing Center (POC) with file folders and calendar, helped get rid of piles of paper, especially the in between “do later” things.” –Barb

“I organized my desk. It helps me balance my life! I have a plan and I know I will complete it.” – Ginger

“My best experience of the course was the new habit of mail and clearing of paper. I maintained the discipline and my husband complimented me.” – Wendy

“The best part of this class for me was to find out I was not alone!” Dorinda

“The best part of this class for me was Marcia’s motivation and having homework. She made sure we all did it, too!” — David

Marcia Ramsland, The Organizing Pro, Bestselling Author, Organizing Coach and Speaker


You are one of the following A, B, or C categories below based on what you registered for. Do the Next Steps listed here based on what category you are.

 A. Self-Study Course: Apply what you learned and go on to the next week’s lesson.

B. Live Coaching Course Member: Post 4-5 pictures for this week’s topic and any questions in the Private Group Facebook group for weekly group Coaching with Marcia.

C. 1-1 Coaching with Marcia Ramsland Directly: Post your pictures for the week in your private Album that we share for our weekly live Coaching together.

I look forward to your progress and know you’re going to be a great success by following these systems.

Marcia Ramsland, The Leading Online Organizing Coach

P.S. If at any time you want my personal Coaching, email me and I’ll assist you by adding 1-1 Coaching sessions to your program.