Join us for our Revive and Thrive virtual conference!
12 Dynamic Speakers & Messages
Begins September 7th!
Are You Living an Intentional Life?
In these crazy times, it is easy to focus on the lack of control we feel in many areas of our lives. It’s essential to remind ourselves daily that God is still in control and He can and will use many of our challenges for our good and His glory. Thankfully, He has given us control over how we think and act (or react).
Our fall conference . . .
is focused on living with intentionality in the many dimensions of our lives such as our wellness, relationships, emotional and spiritual health, thought life, home life, and how we fulfill our daily purpose.
We’ve gathered a group of twelve godly teachers, speakers, and authors to pour into your life to educate, equip, inspire, and challenge you. Best of all, all the sessions can be enjoyed at your leisure in the privacy and safety of your own home on demand
– 24/7 starting on September 7, 2020.
Conference Hosts & Presenters

I will be 1 of the 12 Featured Speakers!

The Intentional Morning “Power Bump” Fresh Start! The 7-Step System to Get Organized & Stay That Way”
What if you could go from busy and rushed…to calm, in control, and organized in just 10 minutes a day? As a Professional Organizing Life Coach, I’ve “cracked the code” on creating a good day, every day especially when there’s too much to do and not enough time to do it all. The secret? The Intentional Morning “Power Bump”! It will smooth out the chaos of the day before it begins.