“Along the Way” Women’s Conference
Main Speaker: Marcia Ramsland
Saturday, October 7 * 9:00-3:00
Cleveland, Tennessee

Come Join the Conference!
Saturday, October 7 * 9:00-3:00
Cleveland, Tennessee
You’ve read my Simplify Your Life books, received my weekly inspiring emails, heard me on radio, followed me for long (or short) time. Now we can get together in person!
Limited to 225 women so sign up & reserve your spot with friends right now!—>
Register by emailing: [email protected]
or Texting the Registrar at (423) 599-3331
* Marcia will be speaking for 4 Sessions. No Charge except for $13 for Lunch paid at the Door.
Come for the day and get a picture with Marcia and her books in the “Simplify Your Life” books signed!
4 Sessions to Organize Your Life – “Along the Way!”
Along the Way – “Get Organized at Home”
Along the Way – “Work Smarter with Your Time”
Along the Way – “Live a Proverbs 31 Lifestyle”
Along the Way – “Leave a Good Trail” (Paper, Email, Photos)
Discover why most people fail at staying organized and how to avoid it
Start living an awesome organized lifestyle and future just by being at the Conference!