Dear Organizing Pro Friend,
Summer is my favorite time to do personal projects to “upgrade” my life for the rest of the year. It’s my “Gift” and expertise to help people set a goal and achieve it in a short amount of time. So this summer I decided to make my 1-on-1 Coaching available to YOU so you could succeed at a Home Project. Through phone/Skype/Face Time and pictures, I can coach you through any project just as if I’m personally there with you. Together we become a “Team” to organize anything you wish.

LISTEN to the Recorded Summer Coaching Conference Call

For the first time I recorded a “Summer Conference Call that included “5 Ways to Get Organized AND Have an Easy, Breezy Summer!” with Marcia Ramsland, The Organizing Pro, and host Leah Gowin. I shared my personal Summer Secret of how I go “underground” and accomplish projects that set me up for success the following year. It works for me and it can for you, too!

1) LISTEN HERE The Summer Coaching Conference Call including “5 Ways to Get Organized AND Have an Easy, Breezy Summer!”

2) TAKE THE SURVEY HERE Did you miss taking Marcia’s Coaching Survey?

Summer Coaching Testimonials

I love to see people achieve their goal of organizing by clearing out and cleaning up. Less time is then spent looking for things and more time is spent doing interesting things. People are happier and feel in control. Nothing is too big or too small. Here are some recent Client examples:


“Wow Marcia, your Coaching is a bargain that I could not pass up, although I felt the heavy weight of an impossible task at hand – to organize my garage. Every Sunday we tried to go through “another box” and it just wasn’t working. I even called one side “The Dark Side” until you convinced me we could conquer this!
“My husband (a top golf instructor) allowed me to get rid of almost 2 whole cabinets of golf balls that had most likely lost their zing after so many years of storage. My cleaning lady and painting expert friend helped me with the 21 years of paint storage and I took lots of buckets to the hazardous waste removal I discovered close by. I will be able to continue work in between weddings, graduation, etc. Decisions are being made and space is being cleared. I never thought it was possible. Thank you!”
— Margie ‒ Palm Beach Gardens, FL


     “I feel like I am purging not only papers, but my soul on some level. I see a lot of things I would like to do and feel a tiny ray of creativity budding up like a shoot in springtime.” “I would like to replace my lamp and the side table by the desk, but have decided to wait until the end of decluttering to see what will really fit with the end goal.”
— Janet ‒ Plainfield, IL


“Marcia did more than I ever imagined! I sent her two photos and a brief description of my garage and that was enough for Marcia to “dig in” on our first call. Asking insightful questions and listening, she quickly outlined a game plan. She gave me logical steps to take, and I just began doing what she told me!
“I quickly saw results. We discovered perfectly good office furniture that we donated to a charity that had a need; we found boxes of books thought lost; we mapped out a purpose and a plan for each section of the garage and brought order and function to the space – and peace to our lives! When I had questions, Marcia had answers –on everything from to how to contact and follow through with charity donations, how to proceed from one wall to the next, to which storage bins to use and how to label them. Marcia’s recommendations were always professional and top-notch.
“Once Marcia got me going, she kept me on track with Face Time appointments. Before I knew it, my amazed family was helping out, too! Always the encourager, Marcia’s approach is simple, straightforward and kind. The bite-sized steps she had me take added up to very big results. I highly recommend Marcia’s invaluable services for any project confronting you today!”
— Ella Johnson, Bay Village, Ohio

How Does “Summer Project Coaching” Work?

Yes, you get to choose your project and I help you achieve your goal! First you register for “Summer Coaching” and I become your “Summer Coach.”

1. Choose an Organizing Project that would most improve your life for the rest of the year.

2. Fill out a questionnaire about the project and send me 2-3 photos of your project.

3. Pick 3 weekly sessions in June, July, or August that work with your schedule.

4. Call/Skype/Face Time at the scheduled date and time and together we make an “Action Plan” for your specific room or project.

5. We create your personalized “Action Plan” each Call and all of a sudden you will see how the project can be done in a brand new way!

Inevitably the Coaching Call ignites ideas and a Client launch into organizing action that amazes even themselves. Procrastination falls away and they take off with fresh momentum. Having the Accountability and me right beside you as your Coach ensures that you will make progress and complete the project. You just have to want to make a change.

Register NOW for “Summer Coaching”
. . . and get first choice of your Dates and Times!

You will get 3 Coaching Calls (Each 30 strategic minutes):

* A Master Plan to Accomplish a Summer Goal with 1-on-1 Individual Coaching

* A Weekly “Action Plan” of Exactly What To Do

* Accountability and Momentum to Accomplish Your Goal

* Accountability with Photos

Only $150 for 3 Coaching Sessions, Emails, and Photos! (Regular $275 after Labor Day)

You will receive a Followup email within 24 hours with your Project Questionnaire and Time Choices.
Questions? Email [email protected]


Marcia Ramsland, The Organizing Pro
Speaker * Author * Media Guest Expert
(858) 217-6320 * San Diego, CA
Twitter: @OrganizingPro
Facebook: MarciaRamsland-Your Organizing Pro