“FRESH START” Get Organized & Stay that Way!

“Fresh Start” is a practical, sequential course to a clutter-free home, papers and financials organized, and time skills to get everything done! Over 1,000 people have successfully taken this course and you can, too!

“Fresh Start” will bring out the Best in YOU with training, accountability and strategies that work! It’s a Step-by-Step Plan that you can depend on every day to stay that way!

Busy women like you understand the importance of getting organized and staying that way,
but there’s a big problem.

The Problem?
We REACTIVELY go through our day responding to interruptions 
while skipping the opportunity to
PROACTIVELY plan ahead to get both our tasks and their needs accomplished.  But it can be done!

Why can’t we overcome these daily disrupters?
  • We’re so busy we don’t think we have the time to get organized.

  • We don’t know where to start, even if we did have the time.

  • We feel like a failure when we’re late and disappoint people.

  • We wish everyone would stop pulling us in so many directions.


    We settle for the way life is, but long for more peace and personal time.





    What’s the Big Problem?
    There’s too much to do and not enough time to do it all.



But fortunately there’s a solution for busy, well intentioned women
like you with a long To Do List!


Everything You Need to Get Organized TODAY!
Includes the Power Bump, 2 Minute Pickup, & Evening Wind Down.

“The 5 Step Blueprint is a game changer as it helps create a mindful experience out of my day. It has become a daily, mental checklist which allows me to feel successful when accomplishing each tasks that, although simple, makes a huge difference in the organization of my home and my mental peace. Thank you Marcia!

— Pilar Klein

It really IS possible to . . .

  • Begin your day with a Power Bump and watch the day unfold as planned.

  • Create a Time-Saving Morning Routine to have more free time later in the day

  • Practice strategic Two-Minute pickups to always have everything looking nice and clutter-free at home and work

  • Learn to flex with interruptions and calmly adjust to easily get back on track.

  • End your day with a calming Evening Wind Down and sleep better than ever.

Yes, it’s possible!

What’s the Secret?

The 5 Step Blueprint!

You’ll know exactly what to do, when to do it,
and have a successful day EVERYDAY!

(And if not on those rare occasions life goes crazy, you’ll be able to get back on track no matter what happens around you.)

You may have thought getting organized

was only a matter of . . .

  • Having more discipline and focus
  • Working smarter not harder
  • Handling paper only once (Oh, please NO!)


Living an organized lifestyle that’s easy, simple and productive is all about bringing out the Best in YOU
with a step-by-step Plan that you can depend on each day.

And you know what?
You will become and feel like a NEW Organized You!

So what exactly is INCLUDED in “The 5 Step Blueprint to a New Organized You?”

  • A printable 5 Step Blueprint to hang and confidently follow every day to stay on track.

  • Short Training Videos (4 minutes) on how to succeed at each of the 5 Blueprint Steps.

  • A Weekly Chart so you can Print and Track Your Progress on the Blueprint.

  • My personal training via video on how to get more done in less time each step of the way.

  • Printable Worksheets to succeed to get your To Do List done and sleep better than ever.

Everything You Need to Get Organized TODAY!

“I came to a meltdown about two weeks ago when I realized I needed to get my act together, keep my house clean, and stay organized which is critical as a consultant. I cleaned up my office and I am staying disciplined to put things away and not wait until later. I am so proud of myself following your system.”

— Caroline Salazar, Consultant

What’s Included in the 5 Step Blueprint to a NEW Organized YOU?

* An Initial Assessment
 “How Organized Are You?” Find out how organized you are right now.

* Short Video Trainings with Before & Afters

I will show you the details of how you can easily achieve each step.

* The 5 Step Blueprint Map

Confidently follow the easy to understand map at a quick glance to stay on track.

* Strategies to Conquer 3 Daily Routines 

Learn to speed up 3 daily systems to get them done and on with your day.

* Printable Worksheets for Each Step

These “Go To” worksheets will help you create best times for your NEW Organized lifestyle.

*Lifestyle Organizing Secrets

Finish strong by learning not just how to get organized, but to stay that way!

Marcia Ramsland Organizing Coach for Entrepreneurs

Hi, My name is Marcia Ramsland, the “Organizing Pro” and by now, you’re probably asking…

Who are you and how can you make these claims?

Here’s why I can make these promises to you:

  • I’ve spent 35 years organizing homes, offices, and people’s time.

  • I’ve been featured in Woman’s Day, Real Simple magazines, the Wall Street Journal, and Martha Stewart radio.

  • My organizing books are Bestsellers and have sold over 100,000 copies.

  • I’ve coached hundreds of clients and class members to succeed with my systems and move on to live a peaceful, organized lifestyle.
  • I’ve taught hundreds of women to move from daily chaos to calm control with my stress reducing organizing systems.

  • I’ve personally coached busy women from all walks of life to succeed at living an organized lifestyle that saves them time immediately.

But you should know . . .

  • I wasn’t always organized, so I know what it feels like to be on the “outside” looking in at other people’s organized lifestyles.

  • That’s what makes me committed to making the freedom, ease, and fun of an organized life available to every busy woman that wants it!
After all my years of organizing experience I’ve created this Brand New simple, yet powerful Blueprint to create a calm lifestyle you can live out everyday.

And . . I tested it recently on 92 women during COVID and they loved it! It gave a simple, yet powerful structure to their day and it didn’t take much time.

Now it has become their “Go To” habit they count on every day.

Here’s what women have to say about The 5 Step Blueprint . . .

I learned amazing organizational ideas in the 5 Step Blueprint. I enjoy doing the 10 minute Power Bump in the morning with my coffee. This helps me put structure into my day and sets me up to succeed. Assigning times to my to do list items motivates me to be intentional with my time.”

Jennifer P., Mother of Four.

“I love the 5 Step Blueprint because it gives a structure to my day that helps me accomplish more. Now I am using my time better and my To Do List is shrinking because more things are getting finished.”

— Laura Seigel, Teacher

“The 5 Step Blueprint” has dramatically changed my life! By following the steps I have developed daily routines that have become conscious habits. The best part was the Power Bump. I include not only tasks but also “Me Time.” I am amazed at the level of efficiency I am achieving.

— Jackie P, Administrator


My courses are at least 10x this price, so jump on this and get a kick-start on an organized lifestyle.

I laid it all out for you in an easy to follow daily Blueprint.

You’ll love it and wonder how every day could flow this easily from start to finish.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What if I’m not techy?

A. No need to be techy at all. Everything is easy to follow if you’re 8 – 78. (That’s our oldest person’s age that joined and she loved it!)

Q. Do I have to buy anything else?

A. Nope, just the 5-Step Blueprint to navigate your day into a new, organized YOU!

Q. Will it take much time?

A. Actually the course is easy to follow and will SAVE you time in 10 minute focused spurts on the right priorities each day. Stay on track. It  won’t take much time.

Q. What if I can’t watch the videos right away.

Q. Good News! The 4 minute videos, worksheets, and modules will be there for you as long as you’d like. Do the course at your own pace, but sooner is better than later.

Q. What if I’ve tried to get organized before and I can’t?

A. You Can! It’s something we all can learn with the right systems. This is the easiest system for the quickest visible results. Try it!

Q. Will this help my family get organized?

A. Of course! Once you take the lead getting organized and following the Blueprint, you can teach them to do the same. “Up” your skills and you’ll be surprised they follow your lead!

Organize Your Closet Like a Pro
Bonus #2 Material
Bonus 3

BONUS #1: Better Homes & Garden Article

The Better Homes & Garden article featuring me and my Time Coaching and Tips that generated 1,500 downloads of my weekly Time Tracker. You’ll get the article and Time Tracker, too!

BONUS #2: The “How to Finish Your To Do List Every Day” video

Women are great at making lists, but frustrated not finishing what they planned on doing. Learn the secrets to finish that To Do List every day!

BONUS #3: The 10 Do’s and Don’ts Cheat Sheet to Get More Done Every Day

Learn what to spend your time on and what to skip to get more done each day. This worksheet alone will redirect your actions and save you time for things you want to be doing.

Every minute you wait to get
“The 5 Step Blueprint to a NEW Organized YOU!” is another minute you’ll wish you could be that woman calmly accomplishing her To Do list, getting dressed and looking put together, having an organized home, and having her evenings free.

This is your time! Get the “The 5 Step Blueprint” and make your day amazing everyday!