Work smarter to thrive

Are you busy all day, but still not get everything done?

Do you go to bed thinking about what you didn’t get done and worrying about what you’ll have to do tomorrow?

Then it’s time to “Work Smarter with Your Time” so you can truly THRIVE without guilt or overwhelm! 

The #1 Best Way to Plan Your Day!

Did you know . . . 

1) The Pendulum has swung and people no longer manage time only on their phone.

2) The current Planner you have may not be the best for YOU! 

3) Your To Do List shouldn’t be driving your day. (Seriously!)

      I will provide expert training on how to achieve calm and plan your time better in my “Work Smarter & Thrive with Your Time” class. REGISTER HERE

I can tell you all about the changes that happen in my courses, but let Carlee, a current class participant, tell you herself. Watch the video clip!

P.S. After the video Carlee told me that for the first time in ages, she actually had time to go to lunch TWICE with girlfriends because everything was done! WooHoo! Do you need time with friends? Of course! Learn how to work smarter and Carlee’s success can be yours too.

“Remember, time is on your side.
But it works against you if you don’t have the proper time planning tools and take the time to proactively plan your day every day.”
– Marcia Ramsland, Your Organizing Life Coach

What’s included in my  “Work Smarter & Thrive” Time to help you?

  • 3 Live Classes with Coaching for each person to set up a weekly schedule that works for YOU!
  • An Evaluation of your Time Management Tools to include the things you want to do and never get around to — and how to make your processes smarter.
  • Skills to live proactively, and not reactively.
  • Training for personal habits and time routines to include what makes you thrive and enjoy your life!
  • A 4th Week 1-1 BONUS Call to get all your questions answered and ensure you stay on track to managing your schedule smarter.

    You’ll learn to “Work Smarter, not Harder” and know exactly when to do the most important things. This is productivity, but smarter.
Thrive Testimonial 1

In “Work Smarter & Thrive with Your Time” I’ll teach you skills that are eluding so many people including . . .

  • Time adjustments to get smarter when you feel pulled in so many directions

  • What to do when you’re interrupted (and how to stop that and be productive in a smarter way)

  • How to choose and use the right planner for you, not just the best one in the store

  • How to organize your day smarter for your best work with the least amount of effort

  • The steps to be proactive instead of reactive to get the most important things DONE!

Leigh-Anne Testimonial

PLUS in the Weekly Coaching Class . . .

  • You’ll have weekly LIVE Classes so you can get trained, coached, smarter, and accountable.
  • You’ll be able to post your current time tools, project plans, and To Do List to get specific Coaching in the group private Facebook Album and learn smarter ideas and solutions from other class members.
  • You’ll get training videos and time tool suggestions to immediately get smarter control of your Time & Task List

You’ll learn how to manage time in a smarter way than you ever have before! You’ll manage your time successfully after the customized group Coaching for you with Marcia’s unique gifts of Strategy and Focus to help you become a smarter, more successful Proactive Planner from now on!

With personalized Coaching, weekly Accountability, and Training you can apply right away, you’ll find freedom and free time you never thought you could enjoy!

“Work Smarter to Thrive with Your Time!”
Live Class

Thursdays, September 15, 22, 29 PLUS Your 1-1 BONUS Coaching Call.
DAYTIME CLASS: 11:00 am PT /12:00 MT /1:00 CT/ 2:00 ET
Can’t make class live? Get Coached through Posting Your Progress Photos for Weekly Coaching. You can watch the Relays the same day and see your Coaching, too!


With my natural Coaching gifts of Strategy and Focus I’ll guide you to develop the Best Time Tools, Habits, and Systems for your life with the least amount of effort.  You’ll look at your time and life differently and you’ll know how to take successful steps to make it even better.

You’ll finish with the satisfaction that you know exactly where your time is going and how to easily change it any time in the future!

Marcia Ramsland, Your Organizing Pro & Coach

If you want stay calm, finish your To Do List daily, and find personal time to relax, then it’s time to “Work Smarter” with your time! Register for the course right now.