Does your workspace support you with everything organized and ready for a clear takeoff each morning? It should. It will save you time and give you mental clarity when it is organized with a top notch layout!

I’ve organized hundreds of offices and want to inspire you with these photos of In-Person and Virtual Coaching that I’ve done.

Be inspired by the “Before & After” workspace improvements below with my Virtual 1-1 Coaching Clients! They made these changes with my Coaching and I’d be happy to do that for you, too!

Take advantage of my 1-1 Coaching for space planning and see instant changes to give you the momentum to get organized and boost your productivity. You’ll be happier and more productive with an organized workspace. I guarantee it!

Business Offices

 The change for this Insurance Company Owner was dramatic not just by clearing paper piles, but by teaching him how to “Time Slot” his tasks into his  schedule. He was surprised and exclaimed, “I have 10 days of work to do! I had no idea and was blaming my employee at the front desk for my business not growing.” Not any more. He knew the truth.

Professional Office and Files! Mary Ann from Illinois was in an office and job she inherited the year before, but said in response to our questions, What does it cost you to not have it organized? Her reply, “Stress and unrest.” She went on to say, “It was affecting her life and health – getting to the point I am wasting time finding things. Wasting time and it interferes with relationships.” Getting work done took more time no matter how fast she worked.

Now she is on top of things, her boss nominated her for an award, and she is more productive each morning. Time? It only took three weekly Coaching Sessions, “Organize ALL Your Papers” course, 2 hours after work for 3 weeks to go through 14 file drawers by putting Marcia’s ACTION PLAN into place. The office organizing by photos and Face Time worked and is staying that way!

  The Owner of this custom wood working company was too busy to get organized … until going through the desk accumulation and planning his time and tasks in a Planner. It took a change of paper habits but it worked! And his profits increased, too!

Home Offices

One simple white desk intended for writing letters became a cluttered and embarrassing mess. With Coaching we moved this lady to her one desk (not two any more) and set it up for her husband to use in the evenings. It worked and now they spend more time together with each having a desk in the same room.

A carefully planned remodel set this financial planner up for success at her home office including her file drawers we organized. She overlooked the family TV room yet had her own space in the evening to answer email, wrap presents, and organize photos. An inspiring environment like this is always worth careful setup.

Cubicle Offices

A cubicle mostly includes computer and phone work for the day. But too many sticky Note reminders can become clutter even if you think they need to be out. Ask yourself, What notes could be saved electronically to calm the visual clutter? Start clearing them out of your desk area today.

A Stacker on the left replaced with only usable files and shelving cleared on the right help keep anyone in a cubical focused on those all important phone calls. Less is more. Keep decluttering!

Work can be serious and fun in a growing, young organization. This Customer Service company encouraged competition with good leadership and let employees express their style. Make your space a “happy place” for your personality and you’ll do better!

Personal Workspace Offices

This radio participant was inspired by my Coaching and went home to get a handle on the dumping ground for all daily paperwork and scheduling. Walla! The change was dramatic with my 5 Folder system and simplifying all her many attempts at colored post-its, planner, laptop, leaving important papers out, and even papers on her chair. Now it’s systematized and stays that way.

Do you smile when you see the  “Get Organized” sign on this desk? Telling yourself to get organized doesn’t work, you need to take action with a Plan. The results of my systematized approach always end up with a clear workspace (I love that teal table and classy white chair) and more incentive to settle in and work. It’s rewarding.

What about you?

An organized workspace and digital world of your computers files and email will boost your productivity, earn you a reputation for getting things done, increase your profits, and improve your satisfaction each day.

Once you organize your workspace and systems, you will feel relief, increase your creativity, and love working at your desk. You will feel like a new person in the same space, whether in a business office, home office, cubicle, or personal workspace. It’s quite doable and easy to maintain with the strategies and systems I teach.

Take Your Next Step Right Now —>

Clean Your Desk, Clear Your Mind Workspace Organizing

Organize Your Office for a Clear Mind

1-1 Coaching will Organize Your Office ASAP

Do you struggle with catching up on your paperwork, emptying your In-Box, and keeping up with your To Do List?
This Step-by-Step Course will show you how to get all your paperwork and To Do List tasks DONE! Get organized with Marcia’s Expert Coaching and set up systems to stay that way with accountability, customized Action Plans, and Personal Coaching.  → 

Marcia Ramsland, The Organizing Pro, Bestselling Author, Organizing Coach and Speaker

You can be a bigger success than you are. The fastest way to do that is to get organized and increase your work and life productivity for a positive lasting change.

I look forward to having you in my Class or Coaching you to life change!

Marcia Ramsland