The secret of getting organized is getting started. And the secret of finishing what you start is working with a plan. Follow these three steps on your journey to simplify your life.
You don’t need to work harder, you need new ideas. Live and work “smart.”
Check out our website for those new ideas offered on our resources such as:
Blog Articles Sign up for our midweek Blog posts of free tips on the Home Page.
Downloads Download our key (and free) organizing sheets to make your life easier.
Take the next step to organize a space or improve your time habits. Three ways to do that are:
Online Class
Learn how to organize your closet, your photos, your wardrobe, your garage, your children, or the holidays by taking a one hour online class with handouts.
Start a 7-Week Organizing Group
Watch the “Simplify Your Life-7 Weeks to a NEW You!” DVDs with a friend or start a group. We’ll even help you begin. Personal Consultation Register for a Personal Consultation by phone, Skype, or in person at your home or office by going to the “Store” and clicking on “Services.”
Getting organized can be overwhelming, but you can do something new today such as:
Organize a cluttered space you use every day. Either clean out your closet, clear off a kitchen countertop, put away desk papers, or cut down your email. It all helps!
Fine Tune your Time & Task System. Bump up your success rate of moving your To Do list to “Done” by putting items you need to do in Time Slots.
Keep track of your progress. Every step counts in the overall goal of organizing your life.
Once you organize your time, your space, and your life, you’ll find it’s so much easier to live organized. Put the calm back into your life by simplifying. Start today!
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