Knowing when to start and what to do each week takes the stress
out of the busiest season of the year. If you plan well,
you will enjoy celebrating Thanksgiving, Christmas, and on into the New Year.
Join me as I lay out the 2020 Holiday plan to include all your holiday events and ideas!
Every year over 1,200 women download my famous 8-Week Holiday Planning Calendar & Master Gift List to follow my Holiday Plan to stay flexible and calm.
In this webinar you will . . .
- Capture a clear picture of celebrating Thanksgiving, Christmas, & New Year’s smoothly
- Set motivating goals that show step-by-step progress getting everything done
- Get on the same page with your family so they help out
- Learn the best tools to stay on track and get ahead of the game
- Discover why most people fail at starting early and set a new pattern
- Start planning gift shopping that’s budget friendly and wrapped well ahead of time
This will take the stress out of the busiest season of the year.
Access the & Holiday Tools talked about in the webinar HERE.
“Coaching Busy People to Make Every Day Count!”
The Holiday Planning Hub
Holiday Calendars, Gift Lists, & Much More!
Download Your 2020 Holiday Calendar & Master Gift List! Last year over 1,200 women downloaded my Holiday Calendar and Gift List and put them in their Simplify Your Holiday Season books.
Follow my Holiday Plan and you will have a stress-free & well organized holiday every year. I promise.
Simplify Your Holiday Season
The Holiday Book Set!
Join hundreds of women who pull their Simplify Your Holiday Season books off the shelf every year and hit the ground running with the Gift Lists, Holiday Calendars, and Notes from prior years ready to make this year easier.
Now you can get BOTH Holiday books as a set so you can refer to them every holiday season!
The Stress-Free Holiday Season Class
Thursday Live Classes Begins November 5
The “Stress-Free Holiday Season” Class will jumpstart your planning every Thursday in November and December to get you ready ahead of time.
With Marcia’s Live Coaching and community of like-minded women together each week, you’ll be organized and enjoy the holiday season for perhaps the first time ever!