I hope listening to my testimony on an Inner Healing event will help you in a way you never imagined. I didn’t know I needed it, or that it could happen. Watching this may trigger a memory or experience that you say, “Hey, I probably should pray and ask God to reframe and heal me from this.”

It’s often an experience or incident in our past.  There may be more than one event, but focus on the first one that comes to mind. Healing is like an onion layer, one at a time God gently peels off and heals you.

So watch the 10 minute video and use the questions below to write out whatever first comes to mind. Don’t analyze your thoughts, just write them down. God will speak to you. It’s worth it to heal what’s on the inside and take your own journey through healing of an experience in your life.

  • Be sure to click the arrows on the bottom right of the video to enlarge the screen and see the captions easily.

The 6 Question Process I went through
and you can, too.

Get quiet, ask God to lead you through this process, and write down what comes to mind as you answer each question. Listen quietly until you get an answer for each question.

Inner Healing- 6 Questions

Book: Inner Healing

Recommended Book:

Listening & Inner-Healing Prayer
Meeting God in the Broken Places

by Rusty Rustenbach

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