Do you hope that someday you’ll get your photos organized?
The time has come and I will help you get it done!
Photo Organizing & Projects Made Easy!
Organize your Photos, Create a Digital or Print Product, & Share Your Finished Project
Organize. Create. Share.
This exciting 4-week Coaching Course will guide you through organizing your photos, choosing a photo project (or more than one), and finishing it!
With weekly Coaching sessions, step-by-step training, a Private Facebook group to post your progress, and the momentum and motivation of being part of the class, you’ll get your photos organized and into a completed project!
With weekly coaching by the Leading Online Organizing Coach herself, Marcia Ramsland, you’ll be able to ask any question and move through the big task of organizing your photos. You’ll get your photos organized and your photo projects DONE!
You can do this!
You’ll be finished and have your photo project ready to share at the holidays without the stress of doing it last minute (or not doing it all.) What a relief to finally get your photos organized!
Week 1
Week 1 ‒ Organize Your Photos and Choose Your Project
Choose A System to Sort Photos
Use the System to Organize
Choose a Project to Create
“A good snapshot keeps a moment from running away.” ― Eudora Welty
Print this sheet and fill out your Photo Inventory before class,
Worksheet Download “Step-by-Step Photo Organizing Worksheet
Watch Week 1 Lesson
Week 1 of Photo Organizing has so much to offer including…
* How to start organizing your photos
* What you can do with your photos to make them into a project you complete
* Where to sort and the “Eye Doctor” sort to easily choose the best photos!

Melinda Hollis
“Organize Your Photos and Preserve Your Memories” with Professional Photo Organizer, Melinda Hollis. As owner of “Out of the Box,” a photo organizing company, Melinda assists others in completing, what most believe to be a daunting task. Download the 10 Steps Sorting Guidelines as you listen.
Week 2
Week 2 – Setup Your Digital & Print Photo Project
Part I. Make a Digitally Printed Photo Book
* Step-by-Step Directions to Create a Digital Photo Book
* Best Resources to Choose an Online Photo Store
* Tips to Create Beautiful Online Photo Pages
Part II. Create Scrapbook Photo Books
* Best Practices to Display Framed Photos
* How to Create Great Photo Albums
* Easy Ways to Display Wall Photos Like a Pro!
“Taking pictures is savoring life intensely, every hundredth of a second.” ― Marc Riboud
1) Print this Infographic to follow the steps to organize photos! CLICK HERE
Watch Week 2 Lesson!
Week 2 of Photo Organizing has so much to offer including…
* Sorting ideas to finish your sorting digital & print photos
* How to create digital photo books that capture all your best photos
* how to create a Photo Wall gallery before you put a nail in the wall
Week 3
Week 3 ‒ Create Your Project with Your Photos
Set up for Success
Create Your Layouts
Create with Theme and Gifting in Mind
“A person is neither whole nor healthy without the memories of photo albums. They are the storybook of our lives. They provide a nostalgic escape …” -Patrick Garry
Watch Week 3 Lesson
Week 2 of Photo Organizing has so much to offer including…
* Sorting ideas to finish your sorting digital & print photos
* How to create digital photo books that capture all your best photos
* how to create a Photo Wall gallery before you put a nail in the wall
Week 4

Week 4 ‒ Share Your Project & Bonus Coaching Session
Digitally Share
Physically Share
Sentimentally Give
“We gather up pictures and bits of our past and scrapbook them into a gift that will last. ” -Kimberly Rinehart
Watch Week 4 Lesson!
Week 4 of Photo Organizing has so much to offer including…
* Sorting ideas to finish your sorting digital & print photos
* How to create digital photo books that capture all your best photos
* how to create a Photo Wall gallery before you put a nail in the wall

“5 Easy Ways to Organize Your Photos & Enjoy Your Family Memories” with Marcia Ramsland. A Fast Paced 30 minute Teleclass you will love! Learn new ways to enjoy your photos & make a favorite memory come alive!
Download Worksheet “Step-by-Step Photo Organizing Worksheet”
1-1 Bonus Call!

Complimentary BONUS 1-1 Coaching Session with Marcia Ramsland. Marcia will be emailing you the date availability once the class has been completed.
You will learn skills to apply immediately that will last you a lifetime.
Organizing your photos, creating a beautiful project, and sharing that has never been so easy or so fun!