“Time management is learning to manage yourself in relation to the time we have available each day.”
If you do the same thing at the same time each day,
you will do it easier and faster, and have more time to spend on other activities.”
— Marcia Ramsland, Simplify Your Time
These worksheets will help you bring order to your day, give you your BEST schedule, and prepare a stable time schedule that you can depend on.
Not only that, they will help you stay healthier and happier once they become an ingrained, dependable habit.
Once I decided on my BEST morning & evening “bookend” times, I became more productive immediately and follow them every day. That is my wish for you too — to save time and be more productive with less effort.

I believe in you and what you can become with your personal, dependable schedule.
Marcia Ramsland, Your “Organizing Pro”
Marcia Ramsland is well known as The Leading Online Organizing Coach and author of the Simplify Your Life: Get Organized and Stay that Way book series, which has sold over 100,000 copies!
Marcia believes anyone can become more organized and productive – even YOU! Join her for Online Courses and Coaching to work smarter and make life easier!