One thing that is sure to make people smile is a Christmas card from you! A holiday greeting builds connection and warmth at the holiday season whether it’s sent through the mail, by email, or Social Media. It is also an easy way to keep in touch annually and make up for missed good intentions during the year.

The holidays are a perfect reason to connect with your wider networks of friends, family and clients, but alas it is the busiest time of year to add one more thing. What’s the solution? Personalize a system that works for you so you can get it done easily and successfully. Pick a style and organize your address list and you’ll actually look forward to it.

Five Popular Styles of Holiday Greetings

Picture yourself with a cup of coffee, holiday music playing, and a clean desk on a quiet evening at home. This is the perfect setting for deciding what the best greeting style is for you. Look over what you did in the past or begin afresh today. Here are the most common favorites.

1) Christmas Cards! Simplify Your System.

Choose one type of card for this year to simplify the process and avoid confusing it with what you sent in prior years. Choose a card that expresses your style as elegant, traditional, religious, or personal.

Count the number of people on your list and order that many cards, stamps, and return address labels. Simplify by printing your computer list of address labels.

5 Steps to Send Your Christmas Cards:

  1. Organize Address List to know total # cards needed.
  2. Get cards
  3. Get Stamps and Return Address Labels.
  4. Sign cards
  5. Seal Envelopes

2) Photo Card – Always a Winner!

If a picture is worth a thousand words, this greeting is sure to be a winner!

Pick a photo that reflects you and your life. Pick a casual photo if that is “you” or a recent event that you enjoyed.

Keep everyone updated with a family photo, vacation trip, or a collage of things you enjoy doing. Include yourself, not just your children. Friends want to know what you look like now. Pet photos are acceptable as long as you are in the photo, too.

4 Steps to Get it Done!

  1. Organize Address List to know total # cards needed.
  2. Get cards
  3. Get Stamps and Return Address Labels
  4. Seal Envelopes

3) A Family Newsletter. Perfect for Both Mailing and Emailing

When you want to express yourself in words and pictures, the easiest way is to create a letter, with pictures and text. This serves double duty for mailing hard copy and it can be saved as a PDF to be emailed as well. Bingo! You only have to create one file and it goes out both ways.

Select your photos in one file and insert them first into Word or Publisher. Jot down your key thoughts before you start writing and then write the text around the photos. Include your name, email, and cell to make it easy for people to connect with you. Open and close your letter with a theme “Highlights This Year from Our House to Yours.”

3 Steps to Write a Christmas Letter

  1. Pick a template and create your 1-2 page letter.
  2. Organize your address list
  3. Save as a PDF and email it.

4) An Electronic Greeting. Go Digital and Save the Postage!

You might be wondering if it’s acceptable to email a Thanksgiving or Christmas greeting. The answer is “yes” especially if you send the greeting to the people you connect with all year by email. It’s just a matter of moving in the direction you are most comfortable with—mailed cards or electronic greetings. You could do half and half for a while until you make a final choice.

How does this work? Create a Distribution List in your Email Contact System titled “Christmas.” Add names of people that you meet and want to stay in contact with so your list is ready to go. Do it throughout the year to keep it up to date and that makes sending the greetings even easier. Send the electronic email to yourself and “bcc” (Blind Carbon Copy) the list of people.

2 Steps and No Cost!

  1. Pick a template and create your 1-2 page letter. Send as a PDF.
  2. Organize your email address list as a group.

5) Social Media Greetings

If social media is a part of your everyday life all year, you have a built in way to connect with all the people in your networks. Be creative and you will be delighted at the “Likes” and warm greetings coming back to you.

Holiday entertainment such as CDs, movies or Holiday quotes that you like.Funny stories about your cookie-baking escapades or gift shopping tips.Bargain shopping strategies that made your gift giving easy.

1 Step – WooHoo You’re Done!

  1. Pick your date and send your Social Media posts out. Make it eye-catching so people enjoy it.

Today’s Tip:

“The easiest way to keep in touch with family, friends, and coworkers is the simple holiday greeting card. Simple, yes, IF you organize your address and email lists. Start today!”

You can organize your address list, gift lists, and celebrate fully with the tips by 12 Holiday Experts in my Holiday book set:

Remember the most important thing you can do for the Holidays is be a calm, amazing YOU!

Holiday Book Set

The Holiday Planning Book Set

Join hundreds of women who pull their Simplify Your Holiday Season book set off the shelf every year and hit the ground running with their Gift Lists, Holiday Calendars, and Notes saved in the front pocket.
You’ll learn how to make the most of your limited time prepping for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s without feeling overwhelmed or underprepared. Enjoy stress-free holidays with these dependable systems and strategies.