β€œSpring Cleaning” conjures up a mental picture of a warm, sunny day spent airing out bedrooms, washing windows, and thoroughly vacuuming carpets. It signals the passing of winter gray outside and the freshness of a spring transformation inside your heart and home.

Follow these steps and you will have that freshly cleaned look that spring cleaning implies!

  1. Vacuum the whole house and let some fresh breezes air it out.
    The whole house will begin to take shape and look fresher. Dust before you vacuum to make sure a room is really clean. (1-2 hrs.)

  2. Clean your closet by putting away winter clothes and bringing out spring attire. Wash, iron, and mend clothing before it gets put away. Giveaway clothes you didn’t wear and don’t like. (2-4 hrs.)

  3. Wash your bedding and change your blankets out for spring weather. You’ll sleep better just smelling the freshness. (l.5 hrs. per bed)
  4. Put away winter coats, boots, and mittens, cleaning as you go through the front and back closets to your house. (30 minutes)
  5. Wash the windows to clear out winter gray that blocks your view. (Average 10 minutes per window)
  6. Recycle newspapers, catalogs and newspapers that may have accumulated over the winter.(20 minutes)

  7. Sweep out the garage and wash the cars.
    Vacuum, wax, and change the oil in your car to get ready for spring and summer trips. (1-3 hours)

  8. Shop for something new to wear for spring.
    When you feel better about how you look, people notice and treat you better! (1-3 hours)
  9. Clean out the refrigerator and have your first cookout of the season. A social event outdoors like a barbeque or picnic marks the official beginning of spring in your life. (2 hours)
  10. Clean up your desktop for a fresh start at work, too. No need to live with left over paperwork from the winter. Get it done, filed, and cleared up until there’s a clear line of sight across your desk. (2-6 hours)

Follow these steps and you will have that freshly cleaned look that spring cleaning implies. Check off the steps as you accomplish them. Whether you decide to spring clean on a weekday or a weekend, don’t wait for a sunny day. Any day can be the start of “Spring Cleaning.”

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Spring Clean Your Home in 3 Weeks!

Can you really get your Whole Home Sparkling Clean & Organized in just 3 Weeks? You CAN! And I’ll Coach you through it until it’s DONE!

Learn how to map out your home & create a strategy so you can confidently get through your home in 3 weeks. We’ll begin with Visible Spaces, Active Space, Personal Spaces, and Storage Spaces & map them out for β€œSpring Cleaning Your Whole Home.”