Kitchen cleanup can be done faster than you think, even in 15 minutes. I know because it used to take me from 6:00-10:00 pm.No more! 15 minutes & it’s done with these 5 steps! I even included a chart so you can print and post it to keep yourself on track after each meal.

1) Clear the table and leave only the centerpiece. Load the dishwasher, collect hand-wash items, and put the leftovers away ASAP. Get the whole family involved to speed up the process. (Time: five minutes)

2) Set up a rotating family schedule for dish washing.
Wash the remaining pots and pans right after the meal before they get crusty and take twice as long to get done. (Time: four minutes)

3) Wash hand items and dry the dishes. Put the drying rack away as soon as possible. A kitchen always looks messy if dishes are continually drying on the counter. (Time: three minutes)

4) Empty the garbage and clean the floor as needed. (Time: two minutes)

5) Wipe off the table and the kitchen counters. (Time: one minute)

Total time spent in cleanup: fifteen minutes. Now you’re finished for the evening and can do something else you enjoy!

Excerpt from Simplify Your Life: Get Organized and Stay That Way! by Marcia Ramsland

For this and easy systems to manage your home, time, and life take Marcia’s course “FRESH START!” The 7-Step System for Getting Organized and Staying that Way! FRESH START DETAILS HERE


Fresh Start!
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Get Organized & Stay That Way

Get your whole life organized – a clutter-free home, your daily paperwork in order, and time skills to get everything done! You’ll learn the four key systems to manage your home smoothly and declutter as you go. Lower your stress, never be late again, and have time for yourself in just 7 Weeks to a NEW Organized You!