If you could organize only 5 key areas to get organized, you’d have mental calm that everything is buttoned up and in order. It only takes focusing on 5 key areas to get organized and stay that way in daily life. Once you keep up on them, you’ll be amazed at how calm your life is. Here they are:

1) Organize Your Home so it’s the Most Relaxing Place to Go

If you have clutter at home, you’ll be visually tuning out what you see and waiting for that “sometime” to get it organized. Instead, tackle the visible part of your home first in this order for the fastest results.

* Prioritize Your Kitchen

Clear the front 2/3 of any countertop and soon you’ll speed up mealtime cleanup. Yes, set a timer and get the kitchen cleanup done within 15 minutes after each meal. Read details here The 15 Minute Kitchen Cleanup

* Complete Today’s Laundry

Practice my β€œSame Day Laundry Principle” that whatever you put into the washing machine, the same day gets washed, dried, folded AND put away! Homes that are clutter-free complete this task daily.

* Do the 2 Minute Pickup

Whenever you’re about to leave a room, put away everything you can in 2 minutes! This includes the 3 most used living spaces in your home: making your bed, cleaning up the bathroom morning & evening, and straightening your computer area. Furthermore, make the 2 Minute Pickup a habit!

2) Become a Great Time Manager

Every day, write the time you will start a To Do item on the hour or the half hour. With 16 hours of β€œawake time” each day, you will get a lot finished. Better yet, get a Planner from my list of Recommended Planner Products and learn to use the pages that are already printed. Further, Schedule your top 3 priorities for first thing the next morning. My PLANNER PRODUCT LIST Here

3) Organize Your Desk & Get Your Paperwork Done!

An organized desk with minimal items on it will allow you to focus and get more done. Solve your mail pile problem with 5 folders in an attractive file holder: To Do, To Pay, To Decide, Information, Your Name. Add a folder for each person in the family and help them sort weekly.

4) Plan Regular Financial Dates with Yourself

This is the key to saving money – setting up β€œWeekly on Wednesdays” or β€œFinancial Fridays” to check your credit card bill, correct overcharges, total your savings each month, and pay bills. When you pay attention to where your money comes and goes, you’ll be able to be proactive and relieved knowing where it goes! Taught in Clean Your Desk, Clear Your Mind

5) Use Your Time and Talents for Yourself and Others

Once you have organized your home, your desk, and your finances, you’ll feel free to let your creativity come out. This could happen as an Entrepreneur developing new products, a Volunteer making a difference in your world, or a Hostess inviting people over for sharing a meal. You’ll have more time and friends once you ask yourself β€œWhat is my favorite thing to do?” and do it! There’s only one you and it’s important to Time Block that talent into your calendar. Coach together in Time Management Just for Women (and a Few Brave Men)!

Once you master the above skills, you will feel like you have arrived! That’s what all my 1-1 Clients and Class participants work towards and achieve with Coaching. You can too!

Focus on one area and keep at it until you master it. You can do it!

The Organize your Day Blueprint

The 5 Step Blueprint
to a NEW Organized You!

What if 10 MINUTES A DAY could give you 10 HOURS of CALM CONTROL every day? With The 5-Step Blueprint you’ll know exactly what to do, when to do it, and how to have a successful day EVERYDAY!

The 5 Step Blueprint will bring out the Best in YOU with a Step-by-Step Plan that you can depend on every day.