Fox 5 TV special interview with Organizing Pro, Marcia Ramsland, and Erica Fox organized a Home Office and the daily mail with step-by-step instructions faster than you can blink! Fox 5 Facebook fan Tammy DeArmas was chosen to have a Home Office filming for suggestions from Marcia and got more! See video now.

Marcia worked with Tammy, her husband, and teenager for two hours and totally organized her desk. Tammy continued the process on her own that weekend for another eight hours. See Tammy Home Office Photos


Three Steps to Organizing Your Home Office


Before you read these steps, be sure to watch the video so you can see how to apply these steps yourself. I planned Tammy’s office organizing in the 3 steps:

1. The Desktop. Clear it up and clean it off until the clutter is gone. We also did Tammy’s wall above the desk that had become an entire bulletin board of past memories and reminders.

2. The Supply Drawer. This needs to look like the drawer in this PDF, or in Tammy’s case, just have a very few small containers on her desk to hold paperclips, rubberbands, and pens. Example

3. The Papers. I moved Tammy to one end of the desk and gave her six inches at a time to go through. She had 3 choices: Put in Recycle box, Shred box, or Create a file. Most everything went into the first two boxes. See my Video β€œHow to Organize a Paper Pile.”

Assistants: Tammy’s husband took everything off the desk wall and rehung pictures. Her teen daughter, Julie Ann, shredded papers and organized the recycle papers. The photographer moved the printer to the desk corner. Look at what we all accomplished!

Organizing the Mail Pile on TV

TV host Erica Fox brought her own current mail and I organized it on the spot. Honestly I had no idea what was in the mail until filming – and it worked seamlessly. That proves the 5 File Folders work! See my Blog Post β€œFive File Folders that Work”


The Result?

After my visit on Friday morning, Tammy emailed on Saturday at 3:00 p.m.:

β€œI haven’t stopped since 7 a.m. this morning. My daughter has been shredding since about 10 a.m. and just finished. About 13 lbs of shredding! Recycle trash container is full with envelopes and such. I got one business – docs, checks, financials from 2006/2009 – in one bank box. Personal stuff from 2006 to 2009 in one bank box. (Both are organized too). Amazing I had check copies from 2000 until now in this office.”

β€œThe day you came my husband brought home the manila files.. (He is obviously quite excited!) Did some of the window ledge paper organizing . Had a friend come over last night and she actually thought I got a new desk! How funny.
My staff is so excited about seeing this. Some are considering hiring you for their anniversary presents to come to their homes!
Can’t wait to get through this, but thank you so much for your time and talent!”
Tammy De Armas

Note: Tammy, you will finish and your favorite color paint on the walls will warm it up and help you fall in love with your office! Marcia Ramsland. have you learned how to organize your home office?


The Client β€œBefore and After” Photo

Like the dark brown Client desk β€œBefore and After” photos shown on the TV interview, I organized that client In-Person, Tammy was β€œIn-Person” with her finishing up, and photos are done by Phone Coaching where the client sends me pictures and we do it on the phone together. Check out Client Coaching for yourself, boss, or friend.



To organize your paperwork or office follow the steps in Chapters 4 and 10 in Simplify Your Life and chapter 10 in Simplify Your Space, or watch weeks 4 and 5 in my DVD series Simplify Your Life for a New Organized You!