Learn how to give your closet a makeover and dress well with what you have! Use these three steps to do a closet makeover. You’ll feel like a new person once you organize any closet chaos.

Do you have a closet full of clothes and have a hard time deciding what to wear? Then it’s time to learn The 3 Step Closet Makeover!

3 steps to organize your closet

3 steps to organize your closet

Step #1 – Go through all Your Hanging Clothes

Work intentionally from left to right on the hanging rods.
* Hang jackets, blouses, slacks, etc. together by sections. Organize from dark to light.
* Pull out each hanger and ask, “Do I like this and do I wear it?” Keep if yes to both.
* Place excess items in 3 labeled piles: Donate, Wash, and Dry Clean.
* Use matching hangers in white plastic, wood, or velvet to give everything a clean, crisp look. Space hangers 1 inch apart.

The clothes in your closet should be all your favorites where you can find them. The β€œso-so” items are passed on to someone else who can use them. The fewer, well-chosen outfits you have the better you will dress! Just remember the makeover you’re working toward.

Step #2 – Clear the Floor Space

Clean up and clear out floor clutter until it’s neat and spacious.
* Pull everything out and vacuum (wash) the floor.
* Line up all the shoes from dressy to casual and dark to light.
* Place shoes back that you use, donate unused shoes, store out of season shoes in boxes on top shelving or under the bed.
* Put a donation bag/box in the closet. Continuously drop-in donation items as you dress each day.

Step #3 – Give Your Shelf Space a Makeover

Pull everything out one shelf at a time. Wipe down the shelves.
* Group items by categories: sweaters, T-shirts, lounging wear, sportswear, etc.

* Hold up each clothing item and ask, “Do I like this and do I use it?
* If the answer is “yes,” fold it with a smooth rounded β€œDecorative Edge” forward.
* Place shoes and other stored shelf items in matching labeled boxes.

Place excess items in your Donation box or department store bag. Double-check if there is anything you are
not using and continue to donate.

Finish up by donating all you can within 24 hours, repair buttons or seams that need it, and dry clean those spots away. Your makeover is complete!

β€œPerhaps in no other area are we more tempted to keep unused things than with clothes. Listen, let’s quit dreaming. Give it to the Salvation Army. Let them find the perfect person.”
–Sandra Felton, President and Founder Messies Anonymous

Organize your closet like a pro - give it a makeover

Does Your Closet Need a Makeover?

Do you want a closet that looks nice and makes it easy to get dressed every morning?

TheΒ “Organize Your Closet Like a Pro” course will show you exactly how to organize your closet so you can find what you need, take the guesswork out of what to wear, and walk out the door looking your best each day. Don’t stress another minute trying to get dressed . . . get it organized like a Pro!