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Pick your Topic and get Organized one of our Free Resources below —>
Trip Packing Made Easy Checklist
Simplify your packing with our Stress-Free Trip Packing & Plan Ahead Checklist. Packing isn’t the problem getting ready for a trip . . . it’s all the decisions of what to put in the suitcase & take with you that pile on the stress the night before.
Get your Clothes Packing Checklist and a Trip Packing Plan that will get you ready early. You’ll get a good night’s sleep before every trip from now on!
5 Easy Ways to Get Your Paperwork DONE
Doing paperwork is one of the hardest tasks in anyone’s life. Mine included . . . until I discovered a Plan that works! I have a system that will help everyone catchup on paperwork that has accumulated while living & working at home during pandemic times and beyond.
My Free Complimentary Webinar will show you how to Set Up and get Paperwork DONE! Now that’s a feeling of relief!
3 Step Diagram & Closet Inventory
Is the thought of organizing your closet overwhelming and tiring? Fortunately the “3 Step Closet Organizing Diagram” and “Closet Inventory” Worksheets are two powerful tools that can help you transform your closet from chaos to neatness in short order. Take control of your closet and and make it easier to find what to wear each day Just print them, put them on a clipboard, and begin!
Marcia’s Famous
168 Hour Time Tracker
Track your time using Marcia’s proprietary “168 Hour Time Tracker!” Better Homes & Gardens featured Marcia as a Time Coach for their writer and that generated 1,500 downloads! Print your copy and write down the main thing you do each hour to show you when you focus best and how to balance your week. Soon you’ll know exactly where your time goes and how to save it. After all, your best life is all about time.
Ages and Stages of Organizing Children
FREE Chart Download
Being a good parent is about having the seven ages and stages chart as a blueprint to teach your child personal organizing life skills to succeed. Life skills are so important and this Birth through High School chart will teach those life skills to independence and adulthood success. Get your kids ready for back to school and start a family routine today! I promise that one day your kids will thank you for the life skills you taught them in their childhood!
Simplify Your Life
Simplify your life today with this free downloadable guide! Packed with practical tips on managing paperwork, organizing your calendar, and decluttering your space, this resource will help you create a peaceful and stress-free environment. Plus, it includes insights on finding spiritual clarity and balance. Download your free copy now and take the first step toward a more organized and fulfilling life! Best of all, it’s completely free—no strings attached!
Your Recommended Next Steps
Fresh Start!
Get your whole life organized – a clutter-free home, your daily paperwork in order, & time skills to get everything done! You’ll learn the seven key systems to manage your home smoothly & declutter as you go.
“The Organize Your Day Blueprint”
With the Organize Your Day Blueprint you’ll know exactly what to do, when to do it, and how to have a successful day EVERYDAY! The Organize Your Day Blueprint will bring out the Best in YOU with a Step-by-Step Plan that you can depend on every day.
100,000 books have sold!
Do you have your copies yet?
Do you have the Simply Your Life books by Marcia Ramsland that have sold over 100,000 copies? Get Them HERE