Here are 10 Tips to simplify any space in your home or office so you never have to do a big cleanup! Implementing these easy habits will help you live clutterfree, save time, and enjoy life.
Tip #1: Keep the front two-thirds of every counter or desk clear
Every room immediately looks cleaner when the front of every counter or tabletop is clear.
Tip #2: Do a two-minute pickup before you leave a room.
That way you’ll come back to a clean space. But if it takes longer, schedule a time to catch up.
Tip #3: Put clothes away now rather than later.
Begin and end your day by putting your clothes away in one step. No piles makes life easier.
Tip #4: Make your clean kitchen table a focal point with only a centerpiece.
People will think your whole house is clean if you keep your kitchen table clear!
Tip #5: Look for a clear line of sight in every room.
Decide ahead of time where to put your daily items and keep them put away . . . always!
Tip #6: Open your mail in one spot with five key file folders in a portable file.
1. Calendar
2. To Do
3. To Decide
4. My interests
5. Bills to Pay
Tip #7: Create a file for recurring papers in your life.
Any time you have more than three reoccurring papers on a topic, it needs a folder.
Tip #8: Organize one shelf, file, or drawer at a time.
Set up a weekly time to organize one thing. Those 52 efforts in a year add up to a big success!
Tip #9: Continue to pare things down until you can manage your work and home.
Too much stuff will slow you down and dampen your productivity. Let go and move on.
Tip #10: Congratulate yourself on living space you maintain daily.
Maintenance is the key to simplifying your space and your life. Always celebrate your progress!
Home Organizing Projects Made Easy
Would you be embarrassed if someone opened your cabinets or closets? Getting your home organized, especially active spaces and hidden spaces, will decrease your stress, put you in control, and be a relief that your home is finally organized! Guest Organizing Expert, Courtney Wilson of, joins forces with Marcia to organize that “black hole” that you don’t want anyone to see!
With stylish containers (Courtney’s expertise) and Marcia’s Decluttering Coaching you will learn how to make an old space become new – maybe even a showcase for a once off-limits area. You choose your project. We provide the solutions!
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