It’s wonderful when you have control of your money – you know how much you have, where it goes, and how much you are saving. Further You have a plan to pay down debt and know when it will be paid off.
1. Schedule a Regular Weekly or Financial Time
Three times that I suggest are:
* “Weekly on Wednesdays” (This is good for an Entreprenuer or Homemaker)
* “Financial Fridays” (This is a good way to wrap up the week before going into the weekend.)
* “Last Weekend of the Month” (This is good if your income is paid once a month)
Schedule this time as a reoccurring appointment on your phone and calendar. Further Mark it BIG and MEMORABLE so you know it’s coming as well as you won’t be tempted to skip it.
2. Have a Checklist to Cover in your regular “Financial Time”
List what you need to cover every time you sit down to do finances, such as . .
1.Review Credit Card Charges
2. Pay Bills
3. Call About Issues
4. List Expenses by Categories (Food, Gas, Utilities) so you can plan for next month
Make 1 Financial improvement per month such as tracking down a charge you didn’t make or deleting a reoccurring charge, and you will soon start to see financial net improve!
3. Get New Financial Tools & Courses to Learn How to Do It Better
Getting the right tools that work for you is key. You may have Online and Offline Budget files. For the Best of the Best compilation of tools and trainings, order the “Master Your Money Superbundle.” With 14 eBooks, 10 eCourses, 11 video presentations, as well as 10 financial printables & workbooks you’re sure to find the right tool that speaks to you at a nominal price for the whole bundle!
4. Married or Single Follow this Premarital Financial Advice You Might Have Missed
If you and your spouse are having trouble getting on the same page financially, go through this 8 step checklist and have a conversation in your “Monthly Budget Date” on the last week of the month. Ellie Kay, America’s Family Financial Expert and my friend, as well as posted this article that it’s never too late to discuss together 8 Financial Discussion Topics for Couples
5. Set a Savings Goal
Start with an “Emergency Fund” of $1,000 for unexpected repairs and then pay off your debt with a monthly plan. Usually the highest interest rates debt or the smallest smallest debt first to see progress and get your financial control momentum going.
6. Bookmark Your Financial Websites On Your Menu Bar
Create a Folder Link to your financial institutions so with one click you’re there. Have Passwords offline so you can quickly type the Log In. (Don’t save Log In info online for an automatic Log In!) Be organized and save this info in your Budget File Folder.
7. Follow a Savings Plan like “Dave Ramsey’s 7 Baby Steps”
Step #3 in Dave Ramsey’s 7 Baby Steps is key which includes saving 3-6 months of expenses. Following all 7 steps will show you how to save for emergencies, pay off all your debt for good, and build wealth. Further, It’s not a fairy tale or a nice story for someone else. This is a proven, practical way for you to change your life step by step.
Bonus Step: Give to a Cause You Care About: Tithe Your Income
We really do have more than others in the world. Give and show you trust circumstances to have enough. As well as We’re happiest about money when we share 10% of what we have and somehow that generous act makes our money grow!

Master Your Money Super Bundle
Getting control of your money can cut your stress, help you feel in control, and provide a safety net for unexpected expenses. The Master Your Money Superbundle was created and curated by people who have learned how to handle money (without large inheritances or winning the lottery). You can count on real-life, money-saving strategies from people who know what it’s like to live in all levels of financial means. Furthermore They want to help you pay off debt, budget like a boss, and reach your financial goals.
When you buy the Master Your Money Super Bundle you’ll get access to:
- 14 eBooks
- 10 eCourses
- 11 video presentations
- 10 printables & workbooksThis holds the training and right tools for you to get your money on track! And the price is amazingly low. Further Jump on it right now while it’s available.
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