Today is clean up your Inbox day . . . or any day you feel overwhelmed by thousands of emails!

It’s time to end the mental debate “Should I take the time to delete emails” vs. “What if I delete something I might need?”

Personally, the last thing on my Priority List was to “delete email” . . . until one decisive night. I searched online and found a solution that deleted 22,704 emails in 3 minutes! I felt like I lost 100 pounds.

Let me show you how. It will relieve all the anxiety of a full In-Box without tediously deleting by category, topic, or person.

How to Delete Thousands of Emails in Your In-box in Minutes!

Of course, you can set up your email to view 100 emails per page, but that is painful to delete a page of 100 at a time, especially if you have thousands of old emails. So do this instead –>

1) Click on the left column heading “All Mail” and write down the number in the upper right corner which says, “1 of xyz.”

That’s the total number of emails cluttering up your Email program that you’ve Sent & Received. (Gasp and breath as you write that number down with today’s date!)

2) Type this exact phrase in the “Search all conversations” box: “older_than:1y”

Then hit your “Return” key. Now you are looking at all emails older than 1-year-old, which is usually the amount you can feel safe about deleting.
You can change the search by changing the ending of the phrase to be any of these:
* older_than:1y = Older than 1 year
* older_than:6m = Older than 6 months
* older_than:90d = Older than 90 days

3) Now click on the “SELECT” dropdown to highlight all those emails. Then click on the phrase to the right of it “Select all conversations that match this search.”

It may feel like you are going “Cold Turkey” cleaning up your In-box deleting all this group, but remember you still have a year’s worth of emails. You can start a new system limiting your email to 1 year going forward. It’s a new day and you’re now in control!

4) Now click on “Delete” button. Puff, they are gone! (to your trash)
Take a deep breath at this big change and realize you just lost tons of guilt over being so far behind. And if you are still worried, know that all those emails are available in your “Trash.” But don’t look there for another week so you don’t undo your progress. The emails will be there for 30 days. Whew, you can’t make a mistake.

One More Cool Tip –> Delete by Months or Years

You can change the search phrase letter “y” for years to be “m” for months or “d” for days. Just substitute the desired length of time with the letter you want in this phrase: older_than:1y. You can change the number as well. Experiment and check the dates on what shows up before you delete.


How Can I Unsubscribe Faster & Avoid the In-Box Mess?

Signup for a program I love and use called: You can “Unsubscribe” from multiple newsletter and advertising emails quickly through this program rather doing it by one email at a time at the bottom of a page.


“Email Freedom” Workshop

“Email Freedom Workshop” is your secret weapon to protect your valuable email asset and privacy. “74% of customers claim that they get overwhelmed by the email overload they see in their inbox.” But you can gain control with our “Freedom from Email Overload” course –>

Our Workshop will give you the confidence to clean up your In-Box, any large backlog of emails, and quickly boost your confidence as well as to give you know how to navigate your In-Box going forward.