Is there something you know you should be doing that you’re procrastinating on like

* straighten out a credit card charge
* organize your closet
* clean the garage
* start an exercise program

If it’s been on your list for over a week, that’s procrastination!

Here are 5 ways to get yourself in motion so you can stop writing it on your To Do List:

5 Ways to Overcome Procrastination

1. Make it Public, People Love Cheering for You
Tell a friend or post on Facebook “What and When” you want to accomplish and you’ll have a lot of friends checking up on you. Post your progress toward your goal and get a cheering section going! It’s motivating to post your progress.

2. Set Yourself up for Success the Night Before

This could be as simple as clearing your desk and laying out a file to begin first thing the next day. Write a note of the first 3 small steps you will do towards the goal in the morning.

3. Recognize Your Perfectionism and Go for β€œGood Enough!”
Sometimes my β€œmessiest” clients are Perfectionists. I can spot them right away because their clothes, finances, goals are all in order, but their desk is a tornado. Why? Because perfectionists don’t want to start until they know the perfect way. Just do the next thing and get started.

4. Leverage “Work before Pleasure”
This is easy to do before your next meal or favorite TV program. Make yourself fold and put away clean laundry before the next meal. Or exercise before your favorite TV program and you’ll overcome “Couch Potato” tendencies to become fit and trim, too! 20 Jumping Jacks earn you the right to sit and watch.

5. Do Your Best and Release the Rest!
Successful people focus on doing their priorities and release the rest. Perfectionism will leave brilliant projects “almost” done. Just get it done up and cross it off your list. WooHoo! That feels so good.

Today’s Tip:
“When you get into MOTION, everything changes.”
— Allison Maslan

The best way to overcome procrastination is to take a different approach. That’s why I created “The Procrastination Cure!”

stop procrastinating

The Procrastination Cure!

“The Procrastination Cure” will take you from ‘stuck’ on something you want to do all the way across to the “Finish Line.” Learn tips & tricks to get yourself in motion and complete items on your To Do List. Video Training, Quiz, & Worksheets. Done! β†’