Instead of telling your child “Go clean your room” teach these 5 steps to easily cleanup a child’s room. Now they can focus on one task & get it done!

Telling a child to “Go clean your room” is like telling an adult, “Go clean the garage before dinner!” It is overwhelming and impossible. Break it down into small steps and get it done

Instead direct your child to one specific task: “Go make your bed,” or “Put away all your clothes,” or “Clean everything off the floor.”

Follow these Easy Step-by-Step Directions 

1) Make the bed first.

Since this is the largest surface, the room is now 50-70% clean!

2) Put everything away on the floor.
Start at the doorway and move everything (besides obvious trash) from the floor to the bed.

3) Clean up the rest by three categories:

* Clothes: put in hamper, or away in drawers and closet.
* Papers and books: organize papers in notebooks or a file, and books on shelves.
* Toys or favorite collections: place on open shelves.

4) Add one extra cleaning area per week after the above three steps:

* Desktop
* Dresser top
* Nightstand
* Closet

5) Empty the wastebasket often.

Organizing expert Emily Barnes says, “Children don’t do what you expect, but what you inspect.” So check on any cleaning they do.

I am a firm believer that “If you work orderly, you will think orderly.” What a great academic help orderly habits at home can be for kids!

Excerpted and adapted with permission from speaker and author Marcia Ramsland’s, “Ages and Stages of Getting Children Organized” booklet.


“Ages & Stages of Getting
Children Organized” Chart

Download our 1 page free chart of “Getting Children Organized” for the seven growth stages birth through high school to become independent adults (and your friend) with healthy self-esteem. It will show you exactly what to teach your children

Getting organized is a struggle for children, but if you consistently teach them in a logical, age-level skill sequence it will happen. This chart that you can post on your refrigerator will ensure that they know what’s expected and help them respond positively to your comments to do their next task. It works!