10 Things Men Love about an Organized Woman
By Guest Writer, Marcio Benedetti.

There are so many things that can attract a man to a woman. For many men, finding a woman who is organized is an absolute must. Here are some of the reasons why men are so drawn to women who are organized (from a man’s perspective) andΒ  what they do that’s attractive.

1) An Organized Woman is More Goal-oriented

Among the biggest benefits of choosing a woman who is organized is the goal-oriented nature they usually possess. Most women who are organized tend to stay that way to reach a goal they have in mind.

2) They have a Better Outlook on Life

If a woman has a life of disorganization and chaos, it will be hard for them to view things in an optimistic way. A sense of organization and structure can help a woman maintain a glass half-full mentality.

3) Their Organization usually Produces more Compassion

The Five-Factor Model personality test is used to break down what makes up a person’s attitude. In most cases, women who score higher on the compassion portion of this model are generally highly-organized and achievement-oriented.

4) Playing it Safe is not Always a Bad Thing

If you are a man who acts a lot on impulse, finding a woman who is organized can actually help to balance you out. Most organized people prefer to play it safe and avoid ideas that are based more on emotion than logic. By sticking with organized women, a lot of aggravation will be prevented in the long run.

5) Don’t Let Perfectionism Get in the Way of a Good Time

You may be surprised to learn that many people who identify as perfectionists are very disorganized. Many organized women know when something is good enough to move on. Being able to have a partner who can make decisions without dwelling on things can be a major benefit.

6) Reducing Clutter Can be Great

For most men, clutter around the home is something they struggle with. Not being able to find anything due to a house full of stuff can create a lot of headaches. An organized woman will be able to remove clutter and get things in order.

7) Making Lists Can be Very Attractive

One of the most common ways for a woman to stay organized is by making lists. Being able to have someone help keep track of the ins and outs of your life can be somewhat of an aphrodisiac.

8) Procrastinate No More

Choosing a woman who is organized is essential if you want to stop procrastinating. A woman with a “Do It Now” attitude will give you the push you need to tackle tasks head on.

9) A Woman Who Prepares

Flying through life by the seat of your pants is great for young men, but preparation is the name of the game for a mature man. Choosing to date an organized woman will teach the art of preparation.

10) Let the Stress Melt Away

Another perk of being with an organized woman is that they usually have far less stress in their life. Learning how to block out the stress of disorganization can make you a healthier and happier person.

About the Author

Marcio Benedetti knows a thing or two about organization. By day, he is busy running one of Washington DC’s premier maid and house cleaning companies – iQ Cleaning. By night, he is at home enjoying the company of his family and likely can be found cooking, reading, blogging, or, of course, cleaning. These 10 principles are part of what helped him know his wife was the one. You guessed it, she’s pretty organized ;)

Note from Marcia Ramsland, Your Organizing Pro
Marcio, thanks for giving women the boost to get organized and stay that way! I have to say my husband was the organized one when we married and I grew into it.
Now in many ways I have passed him up and likewise he is better in some ways as well. We compliment each other.
I always say, Rise to the level of the most organized person in a relationship. There’s always room for improvement and we should learn from one another and “up” our own skills if we want to be a growing person.

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