This week you’ll turn the calendar to October 1, but will it make a difference?

This year maybe not so much… unless you take charge and consider it a Fresh Start in your “Changing New Normal!”

This morning I revived a monthly pattern of writing 3 goals at the top of my monthly calendar. It felt refreshing to have a target even if I didn’t know how and when I’d get them done. But I will now that I have a goal amid the myriad of things to do every day.

Now let’s talk about what you can physically get up and spice up your routine. Thinking about it doesn’t make it happen. You’ve got to do something!

5 Ways to Spice Up Your Fall Routine

1. Put up a Fall Decoration & Let Go of the Old

We really have made it through seven months of the pandemic so signal the newness by putting out a fall decoration! It’s been a unique year, but you’ve made it this far! So put up anything orange that you like – a pumpkin, fall leaves, oh, and pumpkin pie counts, too!

2. Change Bedspreads and Start a New Wind Down Routine

Get a warm and cozy bedspread out so you can snuggle up and enjoy the cooler fall nights. Sunset comes sooner, so why not catch up on some bedtime reading and extra sleep? It will be easier to get up in the morning, too.

3. Change Over Your Closet

Now is a good time to wash and put away summer clothes. And if you hurry, you can donate the ones you didn’t wear and charities will find someone who can still use them. Do a section of tops, shorts, and summer shoes each weekend and you’ll have fun making room for fall clothes. There’s only 3 Steps to Organize Your Closet.

4. Commit to One Group of Your Interest

Inspire yourself with a new Zoom group of people on a topic of your interest. That could be organizing (keep an eye out on our weekly emails for our upcoming courses), a new hobby or craft, or support group to organize your photos. Google the topic, or go to You Tube for videos on any topic you can imagine!

5. Choose a Home Project

In the fall we go out less and it’s a good time to spice up your home decorating and organizing! I particularly love challenging myself to organize one drawer or shelf a day – makeup drawer, dresser top, medicine cabinet, jewelry chest, desk supply drawer, and coat closet. It’s fun to throw out or donate “old” things to simplify with just what you like and use.

Today’s Tip:
”Writing 3 goals at the top of your monthly calendar will give you a target and spice up your fall routine. You’ll be surprised how spending 5 minutes doing this moves the needle of your life forward.”

Coming Up! My annual Holiday Planning Calendar is going through a renovation.
Why? Because this is a unique year where we won’t likely be able to celebrate, shop, or gather as we have before. We need something new. Watch for it in the next couple weeks.

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5 Ways to THRIVE this Year in Your Changing NEW Normal!

Free Webinar

To help you THRIVE in Your Changing New Normal, Iโ€™m hosting a complimentary FREE Fall Kickoff webinar to encourage you how to not just Survive, but THRIVE during this changing time as we step into our โ€œNEWโ€ NEW Normal.