Getting ready for vacation?

Simplify your packing by getting a colorful mini-notebook to create a permanent β€œVacation Check List.”

Then follow these steps to get ready:

  1. Start tonight and ask what everyone is looking forward to – and realize how rejuvenating time away can be.
  2. Count the number of vacation days and start to plan that number of outfits in your notebook.
  3. Use the same shoe colors to get more outfits with less items.
  4. Create a “5 Day Countdown Pack List” to be ready to go:

5 days before: Cover mail pickup, pet arrangements and lawn care.

4 days before: Clear your desk and wrap up all paper and emails. Put airline tickets/directions in
special folder to take along and find easily on your trip.

3 days before: Start to empty the fridge and get trip snacks ready.

2 days before: Finish the laundry and pack the essentials today.

1 day before: Capture last minute thoughts in your notebook, pack, and get a good night’s sleep.

Bonus Steps:

Treat yourself to a pedicure and a new magazine the week before so you can wiggle your toes in the sand and relax. Be sure to leave anything behind that stresses you. Pack up and head out the door for a great time.

Now you’re ready. And I’m confident you will have a fresh perspective when you come back.


Keep a Travel Notebook (small ring binder) write your own list in your notebook. Add things to remember every trip until it was fine tuned and you can count on your list as you pack. Keep this little notebook with your suitcase and travel bag to shorten your packing time.

The 4 Day Trip Packing Checklist

Trip Packing Made Easy Checklist

Are you going on a trip? Packing isn’t the problem getting ready… it’s all the decisions of what to put in the suitcase that pile up the stress the night before.

So I’ve detailed a 1-page sheet that you can download to take the stress out of packing. You’ll get a good night’s sleep before every trip from now on!