The Goal: Live an Organized Lifestyle that’s Easy, Simple, & Productive!
10 Tips to Decorate for the Holidays
It's time to decorate! Turn on your favorite Christmas music and heat up the holiday hot cocoa. Lay out your favorite Christmas décor, slip into the holiday spirit and follow these 10 simple steps.
5 Tips to Jumpstart Your Holidays
My motto as a seasoned Holiday Coach and the Organizing Pro to jumpstart the busiest time of year is... "If you do anything more than once in life, organize it and simplify it. That's especially true for the holidays
5 Ways to Overcome Procrastination
Is there something you know you should be doing that you're procrastinating on like * straighten out a credit card charge * organize your closet * clean the garage * start an exercise program If it's been on your
What’s Your P.Q.? (Project Quotient)
Do you know your P.Q. Skill level? Your P.Q. or “Project Quotient” even more than your "I.Q" determines how successful you will be. Why? Because people who know how to manage their own projects immediately spot roadblocks and work
10 Dos and Don’ts of Time Habits
Being your best every day is a habit, not just a lucky break. I've learned there are good habits and sometimes there are bad habits that slow us down. But that can all change! Here are 10 “Do and Don't”
10 Tips for a Successful To Do List
Do You Get Everything Done on Your To Do List in a Day? Put simply, a To-Do list is a list of actions you want to remember or need to accomplish in a given day or short time period.
Organize Your Home Office-Fox 5 TV
Fox 5 TV special interview with Organizing Pro, Marcia Ramsland, and Erica Fox organized a Home Office and the daily mail with step-by-step instructions faster than you can blink! Fox 5 Facebook fan Tammy DeArmas was chosen to have a
3 Tips to Organize Your Phone Photos
If you take an average of 3 phone photos a day, that’s over 1,000 photos a year to sort! Wow, who has time to sort them all at once?! If you do these 3 tips regularly, you’ll always keep
My 10 Top Time-Wasters in Woman’s Day Magazine
Do you find yourself running out of time? Does it feel like you have your schedule organized, but you still feel rushed all day? Perhaps, you've fallen prey to wasting time! Here is my Woman's Day article of "10
How I Deleted 22,704 Emails in 3 Minutes!
Today is clean up your Inbox day . . . or any day you feel overwhelmed by thousands of emails! It's time to end the mental debate “Should I take the time to delete emails” vs. “What if I
10 Tips to Control Your Email
Do you feel overwhelmed by email? Then it's time to take charge before it becomes "Email Clutter!" Too many emails in your inbox are the beginning of a complicated life. Control your email and leave each day relaxed knowing
5 File Folders Save the Day! No More Mail Piles
Don't you wonder how that "paper pile" appears? The USPS told me this... Each day an average of fifteen pieces of mail arrive in your mailbox. If you flip through and deal with only ten of the fifteen pieces,
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